OGD - DataSet

The dataset is constructed from images of defective optical glass that were provided and annotated by the IICT group. The images were captured in a controlled industrial environment in a real-world case. This data set is dedicated to contributing to industrial defect detection and has no commercial profit purpose. But we will still review your purpose of use.

The image on the right is an example image of optical glass in different environments. Most of the picture environment in our data set is the same.


DataSet Introduction.

Size of DataSet

3415 images in total and use 511 images for testing.

Source of Optcial Glass

From the real factory of Innolight.

Shooting environment

All the optical glass videos are taken by the Omega industrial camera and the resolution is 1536*1024 pixels.

License and citation

The dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Do not use if for commercial research. Please cite our paper published in the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing when using this dataset. Our paper link is https://doi.org/10.3390/ai3030033 .

"Technology changes the world, knowledge promotes civilization!"
CV Group / IICT, CAS